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How to Make Spicy Nigerian Puff Puff👅

Puff Puff is a Nigerian snack popular in the western part of the country. It's also served as refreshment in parties and an important member of the small chop family.

I made these delicacies last week and I posted it on a Facebook group and people won't stop commenting on how great they look. Some even begged me to share my recipe. So here is it:

*Two cups of  flour
*Half cup of sugar
*One spoon of yeast
* One spoon  of Salt
*Half cup of  warm water
*Nut Meg
*Pepper (Ground pepper or fresh pepper)

Pre-preparation steps:
* Sieve the flour to remove lumps and impurities
* Make sure the ground pepper don't clog together to ensure a good mixture.
* Cut fresh pepper into small pieces or pound.
* Test the originality of the yeast by mixing with warm water. Cover it for 20 minutes and when you open it, you will see whitish latter on it which shows that the wheat has capacity to rise.

Preparation procedure:
*Mix the yeast with warm water, add sugar and continue to stir, add salt, pepper, nut Meg and flour and at this stage, use your hands to mix to ensure you get a smooth paste. Make sure that the mixture is a bit thick to ensure that you get the round shape when frying. Cover and leave to rise for at least 45 minutes. Mix again and fry.
* Ensure that the oil is sufficient because it requires deep frying. 
* Heat the oil and then lower the temperature of your cooker.
* Try and get a round shape with your hand or you can use a round small sized spoon before dropping in the pot.

Source: Google images

* Turn  each puff puff with a frying spoon to make it doesn't get burnt.
* Scoop and put in a sieve for the oil to drain.
Puff Puff is best served hot with any drink of your choice. 
Read on how to bring Kunu Aya or Tiger nuts drink here:


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