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Story Time: How I Treated Burns With Natural Herbs!

Happy new year people! I hope you all had an exciting Christmas and new year celebration? Mine was so eventful that I didn't want the holidays to end at all. This year April will make it exactly three years that I suffered burns that almost disfigured me for life. When I tell people about this they find it so hard to believe because I healed so totally that I have very little scars left. Let me give you the whole gist...
We always had this pressure pot that had been sitting dormant on our kitchen shelves for some unexplainable reason; we never got to use it. I decided to use it on one fateful day to cook cocoyam while preparing for church. Barely 10minutes after cooking the food and I brought it down and immediately tried to open the pressure pot, it was airtight and very stiff therefore difficult for me to open, I forced it open by applying all the force I could muster. Then the unexpected happened! The contents of the pot splashed all over my face, arms, shoulder and even my back however by some miraculous turn of events the hot water/cocoyam did not pour on my breasts as I was wearing something very skimpy at the time. I was later told by people that bruises on the breasts take so much time to heal as the breast has a lot of fat. I can’t fully describe how I felt at that time all I remember is that I was screaming, jumping and in agonizing pains. My elder sister rushed in immediately and took me outside I wanted to dip my whole body into a drum of water we always kept outside but I was stopped by a neighbour who held me and later whisked some eggs which she applied on my skin, the eggs stiffened my skin and she applied g.v i can’t remember correctly but i think at some point, she applied salt. The pains did not abet even for a tiny bit so my elder sister used a hand fan to blow me. 
About two days after the incident!

One week after the incident...
The following natural herbs were used for my treatment: 
Aloe Vera 
 Pure Honey 
Shear Butter 
 Eggs 
 Hot Water
I would point out some that orthodox medicine was also used though at the very minimum: 
Ampliclox Becham 
 In the evening when my mom came back from work i entered the phase two of my treatment. I was treated with hot water which was applied on my skin with a towel amidst my screams and tears. The towel was soaked in hot water and pressed unto the burnt areas to avoid swellings. Then fresh aloe Vera was ground into a paste and applied unto the burnt places i never knew that Aloe Vera when applied on a wounded skin could be very painful. Aloe Vera also acts as an antibiotics. When the aloe vera paste dried on my skin surface, honey was immediately applied on the skin. This routine treatment was continued morning and evening for seven consecutive days. Also i took a very strong antibiotics ( Ampliclox Becham) to avoid infections. The Healing Process After the first day of incident one of my eyes closed completely and i could not see at all with it. The very next day, the eye began to open gradually and within three days the eye was completely opened. I was lucky that the water only splashed on the areas around the eyes not inside the eyes. As the treatments were being applied, my upper skin began to peel gradually and then fresh skin began to come gradually. After three weeks the wounds healed completely and I continued to apply raw honey and shear butter on my skin instead of the usual cream and moisturizers. Right now, it’s been three years that I had that incident, apart, from very slight scars on my arms, I came out of the ordeal scar free thanks to God, natural remedies, my family especially my mom and sister!

DISCLAIMER: this is a detailed description of how I treated my burns at home and it healed perfectly without any scars left. However, this does not negate the place of hospitals or visiting trained medical personnel, you are advised to consult a doctor on any medical case


I was a witness to this incidence! I can't imagine the shock I felt that day. Glory be to God for ur healing.
Hope using an equipment that has been lying about in the house for no just cause has thought you an important lesson of always asking questions before using such equipments or better still to refer to the manufacturer's manual for instructions.

My dear that way was a very wrong way of using pressure pot, you should have allowed the steam escape through its nob before opening it or alternatively if you are not in a hurry you can allow it to cool down.

However, I rejoice with you my dear cause I understand what you went through. Burns experience is terrible.
All glory to God daughter of Zion.
Chioma Ezeh said…
This is the power of indigenous medicine. My husband had a similar accident on his right hand, but you wont believe that mordern medicime and in United State couldn't treat it without leaving scars. They used bandages to wrap the hand which cause it to take a long time to heal and left a scar there.
C.E Okekeifi said…
I'm happy for you! Last time I saw you, I can't remember seeing any scar or did it happen after then? Bless up Lil sister
Nemyinspired said…
Thanks Blessing dear for your help during that period. I'm very grateful!
Nemyinspired said…
I really learnt my lesson in a big way! As a matter of fact, i haven't gone near a pressure pot since then plus I always make sure to read the manufacturer's instructions on any equipment i purchase
Nemyinspired said…
thanks bro. I was healed totally healed
Nemyinspired said…
The truth is that we sometimes neglect what we have. Indigenous medicine is bae!
Kate Iffy said…
Wow! God is amazing! You are here to tell the tale.

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