How to prepare 100% natural Shea butter from scratch in the easiest way plus how to identify original Shea butter
I wish the article could be titled 'How to prepare Shea butter in ten minutes'. However, it's not possible or rather I don't know any quicker way to prepare Shea butter. What I know is the surest way to get your hundred percent natural Shea butter.
Shea nut
Equipment needed
Mortar and pestle
- Pick the Shea nuts from the tree or buy them. The Shea nuts usually fall by June/July. They are gotten from the Shea fruit
- Remove the hard shell by drying in the sun for days and breaking them or parboil the nuts and break them
-Break the parboiled nuts into smaller pieces for ease of grinding preferably using a mortar and pestle
-Grind into a smooth paste using engine ( some people wouldn't like to grind the Shea fruit because of its oily nature. So, another alternative is to pound with mortar)
- Add water to the paste and sieve using a cloth sieve. If the weather is cold, it's advisable to use warm water to sieve as the the whole paste will congeal.
- Extract the water and boil for about an hour
- Scoop the lather from the pot and boil in another pot. The water will dry and turn to oil.
- Sieve the oil to remove debris
- Sieve the oil to remove debris
- Pour into a bowl to cool off and after two days, you have your congealed Shea butter
I know the process sounds so curbsome but getting it right is worth it as Shea butter has some many benefits to the skin, hair and even in the treatment of some ailments. Read further on the benefits of Shea butter here
How to identify natural Shea butter
It is important to note that I'm writing considering the fruits, process and climate (Nigeria's) used to prepare it
It's called Shea butter for a reason. The colour should be that of butter. When it's whitish, it's very likely that it has been compromised.
It should be semi solid at room temperature. The texture is susceptible to change depending on the temperature it is stored, this mean that it can go from semi solid to liquid.
Moreso, it should be creamy and bend perfectly into one's skin. There shouldn't be lumps
Pure Shea butter should be edible that's why some people lick or add it to their meals
You can share your thoughts on this or even easier ways to produce Shea butter