Thanks to Uncle Covid, me and many other Nigerians spent many hours on our phones: surfing the internet, browsing social media, with the most popular; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the baba of them all What's App. Due to the number of hours I dedicated to social media especially What'sApp, it won't be presumptuous to state that I picked on patterns of behavior by peeps on social media. For today, I would like to talk about a unique set of individuals - the matured What's App users. Like every other person, they spend hours on the social media sites, unlike regular users of the app, they are distinguished by the way the interact on the app. You can spot them thus:
1. Those who are there for business :
These set of people did not come to play at all. Having heard that social media is the new gold mine, they are determined to maximize it. Their main interactions on what's app include, advertising their business on what's app status, and sending periodic messages to those on their contact list. They don't have any time for idle chit chat, or even to exchange pleasantries. The surprising thing about these set of people is that they hardly support or comment on other people's status but are the first to lament on 'fake' people who don't support their friends. Irony of life.
2. Those who take two to three days to reply a message: the first thought that would cross one's mind when one's message isn't answered is that the recipient is very busy, hasn't been online for that period etc but the surprising thing about this is, that the recipient that is the mature What's app user isn't only less busy but has been online. In fact, to add salt to injury as our people would say, they regularly update their status. Talk about strange behavior
3. Those that hide their read receipt: read receipt is a feature in what's app setting that shows the last time one visited what's app, if the messages received were read etc. When hidden, it won't be visible if they view one's status. Basically, these set of people are the monitoring spirits,they hide to watch the activities of people and they won't like to appear as people who are always online. Better still, they are in the best position to explain what they are doing. Who knows what goes on in the minds of crazy people? Awon ghost mode...
4. Those whose profile picture is usually a motivational quote or left blank:
These ones consider uploading their pictures are frivolous. To create an air of mystery around them, they deliberately refuse to upload their picture on their dp. It is left for your to decifer who are they if you don't have their number
5. Those who are always online but will never chat you up:
We are can't be social prefects abi? It is not compulsory they interact with you once in a while even though they know you personally. So, in order to appear very busy, they will never chat you up plus they even conveniently forget to reply your messages early
6. They rarely update their status but when they do, it's usually a mysterious nonsense that they alone understand:
Yes Yes Yes
Why wear your heart on your sleeve, less is more the white man will say. But sometimes less becomes meaningless. I hope you love my rythmn?
I just feel like ranting a bit, in fact I'm guilty of some of the above crimes. Hey, don't judge me. Na mature mature,I no kill person. Feel free to state some annoying social media habits you have observed.