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My #MeToo Story by Glorya Gabriel

Many years ago as a young growing girl, I had this dude who was relentlessly on my matter!

Small pikin wey I be o, 'prolly' 14 at the time or so, can't exactly remember anymore. Was just growing 'bress' sef (wey never mature) yet, this 'Nwa Boy' (apprentice for Igbo Traders) wouldn't take his eyes off me!

I should attribute this to the environment in which we lived at the time. It's a very large compound fondly called 'civilian barracks(although not a face me I slap you sha 😂😂😂) ', going by the largess of the compound, plus the legion of tenants. Lmao

Dude wasn't even my neighbour, but because he served as an apprentice on my street, alongside having friends within our premises, he somehow found a way to always stop by our compound to do a thing or 2.

Our house was at the back of the main building, and as such quite hidden from public glare. As a matter of fact, till One (newbie) took a stroll to that part of the compound, One would never know that other blocks of houses existed there.

Before this time in view, my mum had already inculcated words into my head to be wary of 'them boys' as they had nothing good to offer, except of course, their deceptions, subtlety and falsehood, all in a bid to get one laid, so... I was armed to the teeth, or so I thought!

At some point, I noticed that this dude in question would match all the way from the shop he was supposed to be manning, and when he gets to the back of the building, which of course was where our house was situated, he would tip toe and make some incoherent sounds to get my attention. I could be doing some household chores like washing and sun-drying clothes, sweeping the corridor or something... Okd times have set in, you know! 😉😁

When I turn, I'll see him communicating in hush tones, coupled with sign languages just so no one should hear. Then he'll ask me in pidgin (while gesticulating simultaneously) "ya mama dey house?".

Knowing the Bloke wasn't asking me this question for any good reason, and knowing full well that my momma wasn't home (as she had a provision stall on my street too) I'd simply nod a 'yes' to him, amidst racing heartbeats just so he could leave me be. I became scared because I didn't know what he had up his sleeves. 

Fear (usually of the known 'unknown') would grip me and leave me wondering to myself (like Timaya) what exactly this young man who seemed to be in his mid 20s wanted from me.

It continued for a while as even when I go to buy stuffs (lemme not mention what he sold at the time to conceal his ID from those who would know him off this place) from his shop, he would accuse me of lying to him and beg me to endeavour to be truthful to him whenever he shows up and all that, but yet, I maintained my resolve of not giving in to his antics in the hope that I could handle him on my own.

The 'boy' didn't stop o. He kept at it until I had it up to my throat region, so...

One fateful day, my mum was 'taking stock' 😂 of my young life (like she periodically does) to know if I had any male friend, plus she was going to know who was disturbing me, if any.

Well, I told her that I had no male friends (which was true) as I attended an all Girls Primary and Secondary school all the way, and wasn't given to careless movements when I'm home (because she would never even allow such), but that there however is this young man (I mentioned his name) who had been disturbing me lately at the time.

I explained how he had been showing up tip-toeing at the corners that led to our house, asking to know if she was home or not, and how he's pestered me to alert him when she wasn't home. I told her to warn him to steer clear as I was getting scared at his persistence and wasn't bold enough to tell him off myself.

On hearing that, my mum got really angry and immediately marched to the niggar's shop.

My mum asked him why he has decided to let the devil use him by casting eyes on her daughter!

She told him that I had told her everything he's been playing at, and that if he ever tries it again, that she'll invite the Police!

She threatened to lay a curse on him should he again make any funny move, or even threaten me with anything. She threatened to report him to his 'Master', and that she would tell him he was a bad boy, and that she'll ensure he's dealt with properly.

The boy in response was very foolish! He murmured and muttered words like... 

"Ehen! Did I touch her? Is she even the first girl that a man would talk to? Madam calm down! You aren't the only one with a daughter, please, stop being over-protective of this girl. Shebi na this street we dey? No be for our eye she go grow? We go see how far now!"

No jokes! The boy said those and more. 

Men and brethren, my mum left the idiot but not after emphasizing her initial position to him.

The boy saw me again afterwards and asked if I was a child, and wanted to know why I told my mum his calculated moves. I simply told him to back off else I'll report him again. 

That was how he steered clear, but not without occasional snide remarks whenever I passed by him or his shop.

"Holy Mary. Mother of Jesus" etc were some of the titles I bagged! 😂😂

Now, truly like he said, I grew up on that street, but he was wrong with his postulations!

I was there for a very long time before I gained admission into the university to study, but all through my life there, I was just like yellow corn inside clear transparent bottle.

You know how chickens see corn in a bottle and then long to eat out of it? Ehen!

They would see the corn quite alright, but try in vain to get access to it.

Not because of my power, wit, strength or smartness, no. It was, and has been God's salvation. I owe it all to God who has been merciful! 

Fast forward to some years later... 

On my way back from work some 3 months ago, I ran into same Dude at his shop (yea, his own shop as he's no longer an 'Nwa Boy'. His Oga has settled him) and when he saw me, boy! he was surprised, nay, taken aback! Or so it seemed! 

He called out to me by my name, howbeit excitedly! "Glory! Wow! Look at you. You are now a big girl o. From work, right? Where do you work now? How's your mum? Your siblings too?" and yidi yidi yada!
Too many questions in few seconds because of course, he must have been at a loss for words!
I told him that I work and where it is, and he was just looking speechlessly.
"Chai! You see am? You don really make your mama proud o", and dude all of a sudden became proud of me for not messing up!
You see this life! People would always want to wish you a evil and expect same to materialize. It's called evil imaginations against others. When it happens, they'll gloat! They'll boast! They'll cheer!
"Shebi I said it! Omo, I suppose don begin this Pastor business o and I for make am, but anyway... I good!"
"If their evil machinations fail and then you thrive in life, they'll congratulate you and tell people false stories of how they contributed sooooo much to your rising! They'll then crown it up by saying Ah Nne, I'm proud of you! You've done us proud! Ehen! Exactly what I was taking about!" 😂
People? fear them! In fact, I fear who no fear People! 🤣🤣
I was just thinking to myself that day if he still remembers how that devil would have used him as Principal Agent to defile me, had God not intervened, and I, taken solace in my mum!
Don't let people's projection of their own insecurities affect how you lead your life! Let them talk as they would always, but you, keep at it!
Na them go still carry their #2LeftLeg come tell you, "oh! I'm proud of you Baby, congratulations my Darling! 😂 
Dear Parents,
Please, asides equipping your kids (boys and girls actually) with requisite information on
~Sex Education, 
~Knowing and owning their sexualities,
~Escaping sexual assault and rape,
~Being confident enough to stand up to their Molesters,
~Looking out for People who behave 'one kain' towards them, 
~Being able to speak with trusted friends and adults who could help fight for, and defend them, 
~Understanding the body language and attitude of these wicked people,...
Please, create conducive environments for your children and wards like living in secluded apartments as much as possible, no matter how small as living in clumsy environments is a major breeding ground, and enabler for these Predators we talking about.
This may not be an outright solution anyways as even Madam Dakolo was raped in her Father's duplex, but hey!
That water drowns people doesn't mean we'll stop drinking water to quench our thirsts! Or does it? 
Children who live in 'FACE ME I SLAP YOU' kinda apartments are a major victim of sexual harassments, given the clumsiness of such apartments.
Before you say jack! Brother in the next, or opposite door don 'kolobi' person pikin enter him house and before you know it, your child would have been serially raped and tortured psychologically and 'everything-cally'! 
Again, as much as you can, avoid sending your kids to hawk wares for you on the streets of your state.
If you must sell your wares by hawking them, please, Aunty, Uncle, DO IT YOURSELF (DIY)! 
Stop exposing these kids to danger. You'll be there collecting money from their sales thinking all is well, and before you know it, you'd have done more harm than good to yourself because these children are you, Your mini versions! They are your future too. 
This is why adequate plan should be put in place by expectant parents regarding accommodation (and all) before the kids start arriving.
As much as people have become this evil, we can overcome if we do our part with God on our sides.
Good afternoon, Royals!
Thanks for stopping by!


Benji said…
Such an inspiring story

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