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There Are No Shortcuts In Life! - Interview With Wife, Msc Holder And PhD Researcher At Washington State University

The issue of studying abroad has been one that has intrigued me and so many Nigerians. There is this trend for elites and ambitious Nigerians to study for their post graduate degree outside the country. I interviewed Chioma Ezeh who is a graduate of English Education from University of Nigeria, Nsukka. She left for the USA where she studied for her masters, got married and is now researching for her PhD all in that order! Let's see what she has to say....
Let’s meet you
 I am Chioma Ezeh. I am from Anambra state, Nigeria. I am a student at Washington State University where I am currently studying English Language and Technology.

2. What influenced your decision to study abroad?
I love scholarship and have always known deep within me that pursuing a career outside the academia is not where I see myself. I had the hunger to go beyond bachelors and dreams of being at the top in my field. I desired to have better and relevant education. As fate had it, an uncle of mine, who understood my person and is a professor in my school, lit the fire and the rest of the story is that I am a master's degree holder and a PhD student today.

 3. What was the most diffcult challenge you faced as a Nigerian student in U.S.A?
 I faced financial, scholarly, and physical challenges. Contrary to some myth that I had from Nigeria about studying abroad being easy, I saw what hard work meant. I had to adjust to leaving every class with homework, meeting up with deadlines, working and studying, preparing constantly for quizzes, carrying out one course project or the order, and so on. Of course, I have good knowledge of English, but the difference in accents was a kind of barrier in my first semester. It was either I speak and wasn't understood, or an American speaks and I don't understand. I also had to adapt to the cold weather.
4. What has being your staying power ( motivating factor)? Amidst my challenges, my dreams and family were my source of motivation. I just know that I have to work hard not only to keep being an example to my younger ones, but to also make my family proud and build good stories to tell my kids in the future. I was also strengthened each time I remember the dreams I have for the future and the fact that nothing great comes on a platter of gold.

5. How did you cope as the Vice president of Nigeria student union in your school?
First of all, I have this sense of self and cultural identity that keeps me connected to my root. With that, I was able to carry out responsibilities that I was given with ease, passion and love. Secondly, a big requirement of my school for students is something called "student involvement". All students are expected to give back to the community and participate in students' groups. I then thought that the Nigeria students association was a great place to start serving my community, as charity begins at home. This kept me motivated to take part in both planning and cordinating the community service activities of the association.
6. What is (are) the major misconceptions of nigerians at home about people living abroad. I might be sujective in this answer: a lot of Nigerians back home assume that United States is a place of comfort and luxury. Of course, those are there, but have to be achieved through resilience and diligengence. I too used to think that everyone in the US was rich. We come to reality the moment we step into this country to see that there are no shortcuts in life. You reap what you sow.

7. What advice would you give anyone who is about to go abroad for studies?
My advice to students is to develop independent attitude toward self development and study. If you study for A, you make an A. Hold on to your identity because you will be appreciated more when you have a strong sense of identity than when yoh try to imitate the Whiteman. Do not forget you cultural and moral values.

8. Are there are differences between studying abroad and studying in nigeria?
Sure! The biggest difference is that one can't compare the availability of academic resources, exposure and awareness students over here have to what we have in Nigeria. More importance is placed on making education applicable and relevance than doing some memorization to pass exams. Almost all the exams or course projects require students to apply the knowledge gained from the course. Students are the center of education. All courses are updated each semester in such a way that professors give students the latest. Students have the opportunity to evaluate their professors and the courses at the end of each semester. I can't exhaust all the differences.

9. How would you describe style? ( Your fashion sense
Well, at this stage of my life, fashion is not what I think about until I reach my goals. However, I believe in looking simple and smart. Since coming here, I observed that I appreciate my traditional outfit more because they make me unique.

10. Thank you so much for making out time to speak to Nemyinspired. 
It's my pleasure!


Unknown said…
Great job!!
Anonymous said…
This is really nice!!! Inspiring!!
Nemyinspired said…
Thanks , I'm glad you liked it
Anonymous said…
Awesome! We need more of this.
Nemyinspired said…
Thanks for reading this post. you'll definitely get more of this

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