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Back to school ||12 side hustles you can combine perfectly with your studies

 Often times, students are discouraged from engaging in any side business because of the possibility of such a business venture distracting them and disrupting their studies negatively. In a country like Nigeria for instance, where the educational system is chaotic, time for lectures are sometimes decided by lecturers and thus susceptible to changes at any point depending on the lecturer’s schedule. I remember sometimes having 7am lectures three times a week when I was in school, other times, I had lectures from 7am to 6pm and some other days I had very few lectures or even lecture free days. With this type of schedule, it is difficult to concentrate on certain businesses, hence one requires businesses that will be flexible enough to fit one’s erratic schedule! I have compiled a list of 12 businesses specially selected to fit your schedule as a student!
1. Freelance writing: the first time I heard about freelance writing was when I was in university and one of our lecturers Reverend Father Akwanywa encouraged his students to explore their creativity and increase their potentials for earning money through free lance writing. Freelance writing has to do with writing articles, poems, adverts and getting paid for it. Some magazines pay as much as $100 for each article, when converted to Nigerian money that would be how much again? ₦40,000! Wow! For a student or even anybody else, that is quiet cool cash. However, as a newbie freelance writer, you should start by charging lower and delivering quality work till you learn the ropes. There are sites that help freelance writers get the necessary resources to develop their skills. Bamidele of writers in charge blog helps young and budding writers grow through his articles which help writers develop good writing skills plus, he periodically publishes lists of magazines that pay writers. There other freelance writing sites such as uproot and they help one get a start in freelance writing. So next time when you are writing an article or poem, know that when rightly channeled you can earn money with your skills!
2. Tutoring: there are great chances of earning money through tutoring both online and offline. The plus side of tutoring is that you can arrange your time to fit your schedule! I remember blending offline tutoring with my work during my service year and I did well with it plus I got the opportunity to earn some extra cash. One could arrange tutoring some days of the week at the time that fits his/her schedule. The advantage of tutoring is that you get the opportunity to sell some your products such as educational manuals, learn more on the subject that you are teaching. For example Kelvin Tutorials
in UNN started as an individual project by a student who had a passion for teaching people mathematics and other science related subjects, with time the tutoring grew and other tutors where employed, educational materials are being sold , even after graduating, the student continued with the tutoring and Kelvin tutorial has grown to become a house hold name in UNN. In countries where there is strong internet services, one could register or start up a tutorial site on You tube and charge money according to hours spent teaching particular subjects.
 3. Baking: everyday people eat snacks, cakes etc. baking is a great part time business opportunity. Once you have the passion for baking you can develop your skills through learning on YouTube, researching or even registering for a catering class, then practice, practice and more practice is what you need to become perfect in it. Lynda a computer scientist of Lynda Chiwetelu started baking while in school, every month, she dedicated a token from her allowance to bake cakes for her roommates and friends, she did it continually until she became a professional at it. Before long she was getting baking contract from her friends and her referral grew so much that some time she had to reject some job offers! What was her secret? She concentrated on learning how to get her mixture plus taste right. Plus, she periodically, gave free samples of her cake for people to taste so naturally whenever they want to bake or they know anyone looking for a baker, shell come to mind and would be the first person that they’ll refer!
4. Modeling: now I’m not talking about the likes of Kendall Jenner, Cara Delevinge or any of the supermodels. Modelling as a student has to be part time in other for one to have time for one’s academic activities. Companies like BlackDove
are always in search for models for adverts, fashion show, commercials etc. one can register with them and will be called up when there are modeling jobs available. Popular Nigerian lifestyle blogger Cassandra Ikegbune combine blogging, modeling, and medical school while a student. She chronicles her model diaries you can read to learn one or two lessons from it.
5. Makeup artist – there’s always an ever growing market for makeup artist in the market now. Some people might argue that there is an influx of makeup artist in the market, well even with the increase of makeup artist so is the need for makeup artist today. This particular business requires little capital , one needs to acquire original makeup products and social media forums like face book, Instragram and twitter are very good media where you can advertise your services free! Remember, the Nigerian model Ifunanya whom we discussed her style in our first NemyStyle post, she doubles both as a model and a makeup artist! The key to succeeding as a student makeup artist is to subsidize your prize and deliver quality services so as to have an edge over professional makeup artist until you build your clientele. 6. Graphic designer: this involves designing of business cards, website design, book covers, advertising, product packaging etc. many people with a computer can design something but as a graphic designer there must be something extra that makes you stand out from an ordinary computer users. Read on how to get design job as a graphic designer.
7. Ushering – most events companies are always in need for ushers for seminar, weddings, require the services of ushers to cater for their events. Since most events take place in during the weekend, they would be very convenient for students. You can get ushering jobs by applying to events companies that requires such.
8. Fashion designing/ tailoring: if you have a flare for fashion, you design and make wonderful attire, why don't you commercialize your talents by submitting your designs to reputable companies or selling your tailored clothes to people. Do you know you can sell your products using delivery companies like Konga
or Jumia
9. Typing and editing of work: with a laptop and very good knowledge of grammar, one can work as an editor for project work, thesis, magazines etc. 10. Research assistant: there is nothing better than doing a job that is in line with your career choice. Most students especially graduate students work as research assistant in their various department. The advantage of this job is that it also helps one refresh his / her memory.
 11. Vlogging: this is a video blog and just like blogging, you can focus on a niche and produce great content that would appeal to the general public and hence attract brands who would like to associate with you. Popular Nigerian comedian Chief Obi started his comedy through YouTube and gradually, he has grown to be an established comedian who is being invited to shows and paid good money for his talent. And guess what? He is a medical student in Ukraine!
12. Blogging: there are limitless opportunities in blogging for a student plus you can do earn good money doing what you love! Whenever, people talk about blogging especially in Nigeria, one’s mind immediately goes to gossip blogs or entertainment website, blogging isn’t all about entertainment or gossip, there are so many niches that can be explored in blogging. Niches such as fashion, lifestyle, food, health, education, sports, politics, relationship, technology, etc are very profitable.
 These is the lists of profitable side hustles one could do as a student. I believe that this list is not exhaustive, please comment and share your suggestions on other business that students can do!


Olaa Bobade said…
This post is really helpful! Thanks for sharing. Off to check out the freelance writing sites.
10 Reasons You Might Be Breaking Out
Olaa Bobade said…
This post is really helpful! Thanks for sharing. Off to check out the freelance writing sites.
10 Reasons You Might Be Breaking Out
Olaa Bobade said…
This post is really helpful! Thanks for sharing. Off to check out the freelance writing sites.
10 Reasons You Might Be Breaking Out
Nemyinspired said…
Thanks for reading and commenting too. I wish you success in your freelance writing career.

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