on the size of the carol part – Do you want to
organize the carol party for your church or is it a small get– together for
your family and a few friends? Whatever your decision is, the size of invitees
will go a long way to determine the organization of the party. I will
concentrate more on a small guest party.
a venue and date: Since this is December, the probability
of rain falling is 1000/1, and it would make very nice scenery to choose an
outdoor venue. It could be your garden,
compound etc. However, when you don’t have a good open space, your living room
could do just fine. It would be preferable to have the Christmas carol prior to
Christmas. Say a week or two to Christmas will be just fine.
Who talks about Christmas carol without a Christmas tree? Just saying… A good decoration
is to Christmas carol as grass is to the cow. For an outdoor decoration, apart
from a big Christmas tree, other beautiful flowers could be used too. The
chairs could be decorated in a round table style or any sitting arrangement
that would enable close interaction. An indoor party would require less flowers
asides the Christmas tree. This would ensure that the place is less crampy. No
one wants to come for a party and feel like one has entered a florist shop.
example of a round table sitting arrangement
Music: For me it’s the soul of a Christmas carol.
Classic songs like silent light, joy to the world bring the essence
of Christmas to my very soul. One could invite friends with sonorous voices to
sing these songs during the party. However, if you and your friends have frog
voices like me lol,you could save yourself the stress and sing along with a
recorded version of these songs. Some of our contemporary musicians have done
great Christmas music like O Holy
Night by Mariah Carey that song makes me so emotional. You could give
your suggestions on songs too.
The refreshment to be served in a carol party should be light after all it is
not a dinner party, is it? Finger food, fries and soft drinks should be served.
I hope no one even thinks of serving beers in a Christmas carol party?
Invitations: Some
people would probably think this should come first but I totally disagree. Invitations
should go out when all or almost all arrangement have been put in place for the
carol. These invitations could be sent in form of SMS, calls or better still a
customized Christmas card – that would be taking it a notch higher. Whatever
worth doing is worth doing well?
These are my thoughts
on what constitutes a great family sized Christmas carol, I hope you enjoyed
it? Other suggestions are highly
welcome. Oya, lets join hands together and make this Christmas rock.
Photo credit: Google