The argument revolving around the survival of the educational sector in general and Nigerian universities in particular has been raging for decades. But never have we come so close, face to face, with an imminent collapse unless drastic measures are taken. In this article, I will be as analytical, objective and as factual as possible so that those who pretend to be deaf might hear. By this exposé, I intend to rouse all and sundry to rally round the Nigerian Lecturer and put up a last minute struggle in order to forestall the looming tragedy. *The First Shock The Nigerian Lecturer is the most abused, misused, exploited, misunderstood and manipulated civil servant in the country. When he assumes duty, he is sent into the fray empty-handed. He is not given any kick-off allowance and to begin with, he has to save up money for months to buy the laptop which he will use to discharge his duties. I am sure you know that a good laptop costs between #200,000 and #500,000, or even more. Now ...
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